
Stop the lawsuits - stop the wildfires!

Massive wildfires in California and the West are destroying our precious forests and way of life. We are losing the habitats of hundreds of species of animals and plants as well as the source of our vital drinking water. Children and the elderly living in communities far from these fires suffer significant health problems. Government expenditures for firefighting cost taxpayers hundreds of millions while insurance companies annually pay billions for lost lives and property.

Yet misguided environmentalists relying on outdated and disproven studies foul our courts with lawsuits seeking to stop federal, state, and private efforts to reduce the massive fuel loads that built up because we didn’t manage our forests properly. Finally, legislators on both sides of the aisles are learning what Native American communities and forest scientists have proven are the best ways to manage and restore our forests.

Help stop the frivolous lawsuits which oppose enlightened forest management techniques, prescribed burns, forest thinning, and creating fire resilient communities.

Act now. Sign our petition “Stop the Lawsuits”. Tell your friends and associates about the importance of protecting our quality of life by joining with you.


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