CSFM – Policy Document

Policy Document

Citizens for Sensible Forest Management, (CSFM), is a social medium attempt to build a large base of individuals, regardless of political party affiliation, to gain the attention of government leaders to the overwhelming desire for pragmatic forest management. We acknowledge this is a complex issue, with much history, however we believe urgent action is required and are confident we can find the answers if leaders are open to change.

Premise: While acknowledging the science of climate change and recognizing that is a long-term issue, we believe it is necessary that citizens who believe government policies and laws must change take action now. We must use all the means we have available for the immediate health and restoration of the forests. We must build a movement for positive change that will not be muted by special interest political groups.

Mission: To build a massive community of citizens throughout the United States. We will encourage common ground to help prevent disastrous fires in the future and to demand from political leaders rational management of the forests using all means available. To accomplish this mission, we will work to diminish the power of groups whose policies and political pressure have impeded pragmatic steps to protect the forest.

Our Priorities:

(1) To ensure the protection of communities in the wildlife-urban interface, by advocating for adaptive forest management and fire resilient communities.

(2) To promote healthy and sustainable forest management practices through private and public lands that support local communities and a balanced approach to all resource management.

(3) Return our wilderness forests to their natural, self-sustaining state.

Initial Goals:

  1. We will use Facebook and other social platforms to encourage people to join the group. Once the numbers grow, we will be open to all stakeholders who support our mission. We believe there is strength in numbers.
  2. We must insist from the Federal & State Government partners sufficient funding to manage the forest responsibly, reducing the existing fuel loads, restoring destroyed forest land and promoting private partnerships for sustainable, long-term economic use, while removing barriers to forest management.

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